Biochar, hydrogen and biomethane


Dear Readers,

At Regawatt, we would like to invite you to an exclusive webinar in early 2024 to look together into the future of sustainable technologies. Experience how we produce biochar, hydrogen and biomethane in our CHP plants and learn why these technologies are crucial for our sustainable future.

Why should you take part?

1. biochar - sustainable energy from biomass

Immerse yourself in the world of Biochar and discover how we produce this sustainable material in our combined heat and power plants. Biochar is made from biomass and not only serves as an effective carbon sink, but is also used as a renewable source of energy and raw materials. Find out how we use Biochar to protect the environment while generating energy for a greener future.

2. hydrogen - key component for clean energy generation

Experience how we produce hydrogen as a central energy source in our combined heat and power plants. Hydrogen, as a clean and versatile energy source, enables sustainable heat and power generation. We will show you how we produce hydrogen from woody biomass in our Kombi Power System.

3. biomethane - green gas for a sustainable future

Find out how we produce biomethane as an integral part of our combined heat and power plants. Biomethane, not only reduces the CO2 footprint, but also serves as a renewable gas for a sustainable energy supply. Discover how you can make a significant contribution to protecting the environment by using biomethane.

Exclusive registration: Shaping the green future together!

Secure your place now exclusively in advance for our webinar and experience how the Regawatt Kombi Power System is actively shaping the future of sustainable energy design. The number of participants is limited - don't miss the opportunity to be part of this groundbreaking revolution.

Pre-registration via the contact form

The date will be announced shortly: Be among the first to attend!

The exact date for our special webinar will be announced in the coming weeks.

At Regawatt, we are convinced that the Kombi Power System points the way to a successful and sustainable future.

Together we can create a sustainable future!

Your Regawatt team