Independent energy supply for trade, industry and municipalities

Team picture ReGaWatt GmbH
Kombi Power System Logo

The high-performance power plant.

The system Simply explained

It's time to act

The specially developed  updraft-gasifier forms the heart of the Kombi Power System.

This revolutionary technology, sustainably powered by biogenic residues, and its modular design, allow for a customized energy solution.

Are you ready to break free from dependence on traditional energy sources? Take the leap to energy independence today!

Feeding updraft gasifier and combustion chamber

Technical data:

  • Electrical power 250 ‍- 8,000 kW
  • Thermal output 990 ‍- 20,000 kW
  • Carburetor size 2.0 - 8 x 4.5 MW
  • Fuel heat output 1200 ‍- 7,000 kW
  • Fuel requirement 1.7 - 10 Sm³/h
  • Optional: Flue gas condensation 200 ‍- 1,350 kW
  • Total heat output HT 500 ‍- 2,800 kW
  • Total heat output HT+NT 850 ‍- 5,200 kW
  • Space requirement Combi Power System 300 ‍- 600 m² H=15m

More about Regawatt

ReGaWatt news

On our news page we inform you about current projects and other news around ReGaWatt. 

Why photovoltaic systems are the future for trade and industry

Free your company from natural gas/oil and become CO2 neutral

The mobile heating (power) plant (strictly limited)


Let's have a personal conversation to coordinate how we can guide you to independence.